Every once in a while I stumble upon an amazing blog. Today, my blog treasure is authored by a 9yr old girl from Scotland. Her blog, NeverSeconds, is a daily chronicle of her school lunch!
Her writing style is priceless. It's a mix of honesty and humor, and if she keeps this up she's going to be HUGELY successful.
Icing on the cake: her blog garnered enough attention to improve the menu for everyone! Yay!
Her writing style is priceless. It's a mix of honesty and humor, and if she keeps this up she's going to be HUGELY successful.
Icing on the cake: her blog garnered enough attention to improve the menu for everyone! Yay!
Oh Gosh! She's only 9. So good. I was reading some of the comments, and it looks like she's being features on a lot of big sites. Parents are going to have to keep an eye out for her before she's overwhelmed. I am so impress with that chick! :) Girl power! :)