The Golden Gleetard Award

The Golden Gleetard Award

Monday, September 17, 2012

Amazing Animated Optical Illusions! #5

And as if that wasn't cool enough, here's a note from EDW LYNCH explaining how you can do this at home! I KNOW! I CAN'T STOP YELLING WITH GLEE!

Below are links to the images found in this video so you can print them out and try it yourself. You'll have to print the template onto a transparency. If you have an ink jet printer you have to use a special transparency made specifically for ink jet printers. When you print the images and the template make sure to print them all at the same size
if any of the sizes change the effect will not work.

1 comment:

  1. I think that my favorite part is when you see the swishing tail of the real kitty with the kitty graphic. :) And then the cat wanting to investigate it. Just like a kitty to want to be in the middle of it all. :)
